
Announcment for the refugees to Elliniko in English

Coordination of trade unions, student unions and other groups

       For solidarity to refugees and immigrants


To the refugees, our friends,

 We stand by the refugees of Helliniko

We aks for their demands to be satisfied

We have learned that the government is ready to transfer the majority of the refugees that live in Helliniko camp into another camp in Thiva, and we already know that many families have been transfered into apartments.

We are completely aware of the struggles that the refugees gave in Helliniko in the previous period, and we were fully in solidarity to them. The demands for better living conditions, better food, asylum and rights are fair. The results of these struggles were that the company that brought the food has been changed, washing machines had been provided to the refugees, but also that the refugees have not been transfered using violence away from Athens, until this day, and several families have been transferred into apartments.

Your struggles and the solidarity of the Greek people bring certain results. We will continue to support you and to demand alongside with you the full satisfaction of your demands.

For as long as the wars, the competitions and the inteventions for the control of the wealth between various countries go on, for as long as the murderous policies pf the economic oligarchy and of the fanatical obscurantist of the ISIS go on, the refugees will be multiplied. And for as long as the racist, xenophobic policy of the NATO, the capitalist countries, the parties that represent the interests of the rich go on, the refugees will have to deal with problems, such as the EU-Turkey agreement, the closing of the borders, the obstacles put forth regarding the granting of asylum.

We will continue to show our solidarity and give our struggle along with the refugees, independent of religion, race, country of origin, for:

1)     Human living conditions in houses and guest-houses inside the cities. Not isolated and marginalized in camps, under the restrictions of the EU.

2)     We ask for housing programs in houses for all refugees, run by the state and not by NGOs. The money given to the NGOs must be given to rent thousands of closed houses and house the families of the refugees, of the homeless and the unemployed!

3)     Feeding, heating, health care, education, social providence for the refugees, with the same rights in work, education and insurance. Care for the vulnerable groups and the unaccompanied children.

4)     Asylum and protection of the refugees.

5)     Open borders for the refugees.

6)     Abolishment of the EU-Turkey agreement.

7)     No participation – no facilitation by our country in the NATO, in the wars and the imperialist interventions of the EU.
