
Announcment for hunger strike in Syntagma square

Reunite us with our families now!”

We are more than 4,000 refugees awaiting our transfer to Germany - most of which are families who are waiting already more than 18 months in Greece under deplorable conditions. We are women, men and mostly children separated from one or both of our parents, our husbands, our wives.

 We escaped from war-torn countries like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan to find security and peace near our beloved.

 Many of us have received the acceptance from Germany since more than 6 months, passing the maximum deadline for the transfer defined by European law due an unofficial and illegal deal between Germany and Greece. 

Our waiting period has reached now in average nine months from the date of acceptance. Everybody has to still pay his/her ticket by him/herself. 

 ·        We have been promised many things. 

·        We have heard these promises many times. 

·        We are tired to listen, tired to wait, tired to hope.

·        We have not received at any point of time a clear answer on who is deciding how many people can leave in one month or who is putting numeral limits on transfers. 

·        We have not received at any point a clear answer on who is deciding which persons are considered vulnerable and can travel faster and based on which criteria this is decided. 

·        We just want to know now when we will go to our families. And we want to be treated all equally without any discrimination.
Read more below

We therefore demand:

·        from the Greek and the German government to respect the legal limit of six months to reunify our families from the date of acceptance.
·        from the German and Greek authorities to immediately charter flights for all the refugees that have already been waiting more than six months.
·        from the Greek authorities that the money for our tickets will be paid by the state as provided by law. The tickets are one more obstacle for our family reunifications.

For all these reasons, our struggle goes on Wednesday 1st November 2017 at 11am at Syndagma Square. Join us and raise your voices with ours!

We are protesting since four months against the limitation of transfers to Germany for family reunifications. We want to shout out against the cruel migration policy of deterrence that Europe imposes on us and our families; a system that is aimed to unnerve us and let us give up. But we will stand upright. We want to tear down the walls that stop us from being with our fathers, mothers and children. We will continue our struggle until we succeed.

No more discrimination!
We demand our right on family unity and a dignified life in peace now!

The right to stay and freedom of movement for all.

Refugees from different camps and places in Greece