
Πρόσκληση για τη συνέλευση του Συντονισμού στα αγγλικά

Coordination of trade unions, student unions and other groups

For solidarity to refugees and immigrants



·                  Trade unions

·                  Student associations

·                  Collectivities-movements

·                  Solidarity initiatives

·                  Refugees

·                  People in solidarity

Call for meeting

We call for a meeting on Wednesday 15/06/2016 in ΔΟΕ  hall, Xenofontos 15A, 3rd floor, Syntagma at 6 PM.

In the meeting, there will be participation via skype from collectivities and solidarity initiatives from other regions of Greece and there will be interpretation in Arabic and Farsi.

The aim of the meeting is the better coordination in Greece of all the action of collectivities, the upgrade of the struggle for freedom and rights of refugees, the update of the Coordination’s positions, as well as the upgrade of the Coordination’s networking through the active participation of refugees.

Topics of the meeting

1.                Rights and freedom of refugees after the agreement between EU and Turkey.

2.                The policy of: government, EU, municipalities and regions, the emerging developments and the reaction of the movement

3.                Position regarding the refugees’ right to education and work

4.                The results and the experience from the Coordination’s actions, conclusions and initiatives for the future.

Suggested process

18:30 Presentation of the participants an of the process

18:40 Opening speech from the secretariat

19:00 8min speeches (20)

21:40 End, conclusions, decisions

Please, report on time via the Coordination’s e-mail , especially the participations for speeches via skype for a better planning of the process.

Coordination of trade unions, student unions and other groups

For solidarity to refugees and immigrants
